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I learned how to build a website by doing research on the web for website builders and then building my own website.

This is what I learned. 

First find a website builder.

These are some that I found and their links:


I used Wix because it's kid friendly and inexpensive.

Then you'll need to have a website name and address. Website builders allow you to enter in a website address name called a domain name to see if it's available and how much it will cost to own. Sometimes it will offer a different domain name if the first one you picked isn't available. That happened to me. I picked "", but it was taken, so they suggested "", so I picked it.

After that, the website builder takes you through steps to make sure it's secure and licensed. It's really simple, just a few clicks, but just make sure you have your email handy.

Next, you'll need a Site Plan. Website builders support websites differently. Some are really simple like mine, others are huge and most of their business is done on their website, like Vat19. I just have 3 pages and Vat19 has so much more going on. They have tons of stuff for sale, videos and ads. I only need a little support from Wix and I heard Vat19 uses Wix too. They definitely need more support and security from them than I do, so they pay a lot more for a Site Plan.

To build your site you can pick out a style you like from the website builder from templates they have. You could start from scratch if you wanted, but that would take more time. All pictures, fonts and designs can be adjusted pretty easily to make it just the way you like. If you have any trouble you can always look on the help tab, email the website builder or even call. My plan says I can ask 24/7. I had to use the help tab a couple times and it was all I needed to get the job done. 

When you're ready to put your website on the internet be sure to check it out on the preview tab. It shows you what it will look like live on the internet, not the screens you've been working on with all the designing tools. There's even an option to check out how it looks on cell phones.  After that you can publish it. This was really easy. On Wix there's a button to publish your site and it was out right away. I love having a website. The fun thing is I can change it around as much as I want anytime I want and publish my new things easily.


I hope this helps a little bit on where you can create a website and how to do it with a website builder. Don't forgot to have fun!   


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